
What To Eat When Cook­book: 135+ Deli­cious­ly Timed Recipes

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

In their acclaimed lifestyle guide What to Eat When, Dr. Michael Roizen and Dr. Michael Cru­pain revealed when to eat foods for health­i­er liv­ing, dis­ease pre­ven­tion, bet­ter per­for­mance, and a longer life. The key, they assert, is eat­ing break­fast like a king, lunch like a prince, and din­ner like a pau­per. Now, in this mouth­wa­ter­ing sequel, they deliv­er 135 recipes to put these lessons into prac­tice. From a fiber-rich pas­ta dish loaded with healthy and fresh toma­toes and a creamy lemon dip and home­made crack­ers to sat­is­fy your snack crav­ings to a salmon burg­er you’ll love to eat for break­fast (yes, break­fast!) and a health­i­er, deca­dent choco­late mousse — a treat that also offers hor­mone-boost­ing ingre­di­ents before you hit the gym. Each dish is paired with prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion about the nutri­ents and ben­e­fits of the ingre­di­ents, plus expert cook­ing tips, what por­tion size to eat when, and help­ful sub­sti­tu­tions. Cov­er­ing break­fast, lunch, din­ner, and dessert — and the best times to eat all four — this high­ly antic­i­pat­ed sequel to Roizen and Crupain’s best-sell­ing eat­ing guide offers a pletho­ra of meals that will get you through the day, and extend your life by years!

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