
Who Gave You Per­mis­sion?: The Mem­oir of a Child Sex­u­al-Abuse Sur­vivor Who Fought Back

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Man­ny Waks was raised in an ultra-Ortho­dox Jew­ish fam­i­ly the sec­ond old­est of 17. As an ado­les­cent he was sex­u­al­ly abused at his reli­gious school. In mid-2011 Man­ny went pub­lic about his expe­ri­ences, seek­ing to bring jus­tice to the abusers and those who cov­ered up their crimes. For his courage in speak­ing out, Man­ny and his fam­i­ly were intim­i­dat­ed and shunned by their com­mu­ni­ty and he was forced to leave Aus­tralia. Man­ny con­tin­ues to advo­cate for sur­vivors and to hold those in pow­er to account. His pur­suit of per­pe­tra­tors led him to Crown Heights in Brook­lyn and to Los Ange­les, where he tracked down one of the Aus­tralian abusers and alert­ed the local Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ties to the inter­na­tion­al dimen­sions of the child sex­u­al-abuse prob­lem. Back in Aus­tralia, Man­ny was even­tu­al­ly vin­di­cat­ed by a roy­al com­mis­sion into insti­tu­tion­al child sex­u­al abuse. Many of his attack­ers lost their posi­tions of pow­er and influ­ence. This is the sto­ry of a man who shat­tered a pow­er­ful code of silence.

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