
Why You Eat What You Eat

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

Why You Eat What You Eat exam­ines the sen­so­ry, psy­cho­log­i­cal, neu­ro­sci­en­tif­ic, and phys­i­o­log­i­cal fac­tors that influ­ence our eat­ing habits. Rachel Herz uncov­ers the fas­ci­nat­ing and sur­pris­ing facts that affect food con­sump­tion: bring­ing reusable bags to the gro­cery store encour­ages us to buy more treats; our beliefs about food affect the num­ber of calo­ries we burn; TV alters how much we eat; and what we see and hear changes how food tastes. Herz reveals use­ful tech­niques for man­ag­ing crav­ings, such as resist­ing repeat­ed trips to the buf­fet table, and how aro­mas can be used to curb overeat­ing. Why You Eat What You Eat mix­es the social with the sci­en­tif­ic to uncov­er how psy­chol­o­gy, neu­rol­o­gy, and phys­i­ol­o­gy shape our rela­tion­ship with food and how food alters the rela­tion­ships we have with our­selves and with one another.

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