Join the Jew­ish Tele­graph­ic Agency and Jew­ish Book Coun­cil for a dis­cus­sion with actor Brett Gel­man and Andrew Silow-Car­roll, Man­ag­ing Edi­tor for Ideas at JTA.

They’ll dis­cuss Gel­man’s new book, The Ter­ri­fy­ing Realm of the Pos­si­ble. Illus­trat­ed with orig­i­nal draw­ings by the author, the book is a bold, unfor­get­table debut that chal­lenges our assump­tions about what it means to be human.

Brett Gel­man is an acclaimed actor, writer, and come­di­an. His work can be seen on tele­vi­sion in Stranger Things, Fleabag, LOVE, Curb Your Enthu­si­asm, Twin Peaks: The Return, and the Adult Swim spe­cial tril­o­gy Din­ner with Friends with Brett Gel­man, which he co-wrote.

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