Join Jew­ish Book Coun­cil for an inter­ac­tive con­ver­sa­tion with Dani Shapiro about the par­al­lels between her two Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award win­ning books Inher­i­tance and Sig­nal Fires that feel like bash­ert. Invite your community’s book clubs and read­ers to par­tic­i­pate in this unique event!

Dani Shapiro is the author of eleven books, and the host and cre­ator of the hit pod­cast Fam­i­ly Secrets. Her most recent nov­el, Sig­nal Fires, was named a best book of 2022 by Time Mag­a­zineWash­ing­ton PostAma­zon, and oth­ers, and is a nation­al best­seller. Her most recent mem­oir, Inher­i­tance, was an instant New York Times Best­seller, and named a best book of 2019 by ElleVan­i­ty FairWired, and Real Sim­ple. Both Sig­nal Fires and Inher­i­tance were win­ners of the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award. Dani’s work has been pub­lished in four­teen lan­guages and she’s cur­rent­ly devel­op­ing Sig­nal Fires for its tele­vi­sion adap­ta­tion. Dani’s book on the process and craft of writ­ing, Still Writ­ing, has just been reis­sued on the occa­sion of its tenth anniver­sary. She occa­sion­al­ly teach­es work­shops and retreats, and is the co-founder of the Siren­land Writ­ers Con­fer­ence in Posi­tano, Italy.

To pur­chase Inher­i­tance click here. To pur­chase Sig­nal Fires click here

*Host­ed in part­ner­ship with JBC’s Net­work Mem­ber Sites. Learn more about the JBC Net­work com­mu­ni­ties here.*