Unpack­ing the Book: How We Talk About Crime: A His­to­ry and an Exploration

Monday, March 31, 2025

in-per­son, NYC

Join authors Tova Mirvis and Dan Slater for a con­ver­sa­tion exam­in­ing por­tray­als of crime and crim­i­nals in Amer­i­ca. Through their works of fic­tion and non­fic­tion, we can trace how chang­ing con­ver­sa­tions about crime are a reflec­tion of the broad­er world we live in today. Mod­er­at­ed by writer and pod­cast host, Stephanie Butnick.

Tova Mirvis is the author of the mem­oir The Book of Sep­a­ra­tion as well as four nov­els, We Would Nev­erVis­i­ble CityThe Out­side World, and The Ladies Aux­il­iary, which was a nation­al best­seller. Her essays have appeared in The New York TimesThe Wash­ing­ton PostThe Boston Globe Mag­a­zine and Real Sim­ple, and her fic­tion has been broad­cast on NPR. She lives in New­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts with her family. 

A for­mer reporter for the Wall Street Jour­nal, Dan Slater is the author of four works of non­fic­tion, includ­ing Wolf Boys, which the Chica­go Pub­lic Library named a best book of the year. The New York Times called his new book, The Incor­rupt­ibles, about the Jew­ish under­world of pre-WWI New York, unri­valed” and chose it as an editor’s pick. Raised in Min­neso­ta, Dan lives in New Eng­land with his wife and their two sons.

The Unpack­ing the Book series is in part­ner­ship with Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, the Jew­ish Muse­um, and GOL­DA, your Jew­ish Lifestyle Guide.