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Jonathan Fass Jonathan Fass is the Senior Managing Director of RootOne at The Jewish Education Project of New York. Reviews Articles Nonfiction Israel’s Declaration of Independence: The History and Political Theory of the Nation’s Founding Moment Neil Rogachevsky, Dov Zigler Nonfiction The Book of Revolutions: The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings That Birthed the Torah Edward Feld Nonfiction The End of Her: Racing Against Alzheimer’s to Solve a Murder Wayne Hoffman Jewish Text Pictures Tell: A Passover Haggadah with photographs from around the Jewish world Zion Ozeri Jewish Text The Rational Passover Haggadah Dennis Prager Jewish Text Night of Beginnings: A Passover Haggadah Marcia Falk Nonfiction Because My Soul Longs for You: Integrating Theology into Our Lives Edwin Goldberg and Elaine Zecher (Editors) Nonfiction These are the Developments of the Human Ethan Daniel Davidson Nonfiction Coming to Terms with America: Essays on Jewish History, Religion, and Culture Jonathan D. Sarna Nonfiction From Africa to Zion: The Shepherd Boy Who Became Israel’s First Ethiopian-Born Journalist Danny Abebe Nonfiction People Love Dead Jews: Reports from a Haunted Present Dara Horn Nonfiction Survivors: Children’s Lives After the Holocaust Rebecca Clifford Jewish Text Seder in Motion: A Haggadah to Move Body and Soul Ron Isaacs, Leora Isaacs, Martin Wickstrom (illus.) Poetry Mishkan HaSeder: A Passover Haggadah Rabbi Hara Person, Jessica Greenbaum (editor) Nonfiction Fruits of Freedom: The Torah Flora Hagadah Jon Greenberg Pagination Previous page ‹‹ Page 2 Next page ›› Recommended Reading Haggadah Highlights 5783/2023 Jonathan Fass April 3, 2023 Recommended Reading Passover 5782/2022 Haggadah Roundup Jonathan Fass March 31, 2022 Essay Passover 5781/2021 Haggadah Roundup Jonathan Fass March 17, 2021
Nonfiction Israel’s Declaration of Independence: The History and Political Theory of the Nation’s Founding Moment Neil Rogachevsky, Dov Zigler
Nonfiction The Book of Revolutions: The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings That Birthed the Torah Edward Feld
Jewish Text Pictures Tell: A Passover Haggadah with photographs from around the Jewish world Zion Ozeri
Nonfiction Because My Soul Longs for You: Integrating Theology into Our Lives Edwin Goldberg and Elaine Zecher (Editors)
Nonfiction Coming to Terms with America: Essays on Jewish History, Religion, and Culture Jonathan D. Sarna
Nonfiction From Africa to Zion: The Shepherd Boy Who Became Israel’s First Ethiopian-Born Journalist Danny Abebe
Jewish Text Seder in Motion: A Haggadah to Move Body and Soul Ron Isaacs, Leora Isaacs, Martin Wickstrom (illus.)