In their introduction to Seder in Motion, the authors invite participants “to fully engage yourself — body, mind, and soul — in the miracle of redemption and freedom that is Passover.” This haggadah preserves some of the original text but adapts most for a child-friendly retelling of the Exodus. The commentary incorporates family-friendly activities that encourage reflective movement, thinking, and sense perception to draw the reader deeper into personal action with the rituals and readings of the Seder. The authors also suggest activities if members of your Seder are joining you online. The layout of the text is bright and colorful, and its images reflect ethnic and cultural diversity, along with an egalitarian ethic. Seder in Motion is a good choice for families that seek to deeply connect with the meaning of Passover in a holistic, child-centered but adult accessible way. It is appropriate for Passover guests of any age.
This is part of the Passover 5781/2021 Haggadah Roundup.