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Poetry I Just Let Life Rain Down on Me: Selected Letters and Reflections Rahel Levin Varnhagen; Peter Wortsman, ed. and trans.
Children’s Remembering Rosalind Franklin: Rosalind Franklin & the Discovery of the Double Helix Structure of DNA Tanya Lee Stone; Gretchen Ellen Powers, illus.
Nonfiction A Revolution in Type: Gender and the Making of the American Yiddish Press Ayelet Brinn
Nonfiction From Meidelach to Matriarchs: A Journal: Jewish Women of Yesteryear to Inspire Your Today Mirta Ines Trupp
Nonfiction The Vagina Business: The Innovative Breakthroughs that Could Change Everything in Women’s Health Marina Gerner
Nonfiction Iconic Jewish Women: Fifty-Nine Inspiring, Courageous, Revolutionary Role Models for Young Girls Aliza Lavie