Close Jewish Book Council, founded in 1943, is the longest-running organization devoted exclusively to the support and celebration of Jewish literature. Get the latest reviews, news, and more in your inbox. Invalid email address
Recommended Reading Nine Jewish Writers Share Their Must-Read Books for Women’s History Month JBC Staff March 13, 2023
Nonfiction Helmi’s Shadow: A Journey of Survival From Russia to East Asia to the American West David Horgan
Essay The Loss of Tía Fortuna’s Pink Casita: Writing a Sephardic Picture Book Ruth Behar June 13, 2022
Nonfiction The Jews Should Keep Quiet: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Holocaust Rafael Medoff
Nonfiction Years of Glory: Nelly Benatar and the Pursuit of Justice in Wartime North Africa Susan Gilson Miller
Children’s The Shelter and the Fence: When 982 Holocaust Refugees Found Safe Haven in America Norman H. Finkelstein
Fiction Rebecca of Salerno: A Novel of Rogue Crusaders, a Jewish Female Physician, and a Murder Esther Erman
Nonfiction Womb Of Diamonds: A True Adventure From Child Bride Of Syria To Celebrity Businesswoman Of Japan Ezra Choueke