
Bat­tle for Life

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Bat­tle for Life is a cur­rent-day sto­ry about an aging Jew­ish father and his mid­dle-aged son against the back­drop of the father’s life and mil­i­tary expe­ri­ence dur­ing World War II.

In the book, 60-year-old Sam accom­pa­nies his 90- year-old father Max from Nashville, Ten­nessee, to Wash­ing­ton, D.C., for a reunion of his Navy crew­mates from the war. Sam, him­self deal­ing with his own life crises, embarks on this final trip with his father, expos­ing along the way not only some long-kept secrets about the war but also some lessons about han­dling adver­si­ty and heartache. Togeth­er, Max and Sam share a jour­ney of under­stand­ing about the chal­lenges that each of us face as we go through life and, the ulti­mate les­son, that life can be a bat­tle, but worth the fight. The com­bined nar­ra­tive, based on a true sto­ry, is meant not only to be a nod to the Great­est Gen­er­a­tion but also, as is well known in the Jew­ish tra­di­tion, a shared eth­i­cal will” about love, courage and loss.

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