

Arthur Miller
  • From the Publisher
August 1, 2014

Writ­ten in 1945, Focus was Arthur Miller’s first nov­el and one of the first books to direct­ly con­front Amer­i­can anti-Semi­tism. It remains as chill­ing and inci­sive today as it was at the time of its con­tro­ver­sial debut. As World War II draws to a close, anti-Semi­tism is alive and well in Brook­lyn, New York. Here, New­man< an Amer­i­can of Eng­lish descent, floats through a world of mul­ti­eth­nic neigh­bor­hoods indif­fer­ent to the racism around him. That is, until he begins to wear glass­es that ren­der him Jew­ish” in the eyes of oth­ers, mak­ing him the tar­get of anti-Semit­ic pros­e­cu­tion. As he and his wife find friend­ship and sup­port from a Jew­ish immi­grant, New­man slow­ly begins to under­stand the racial hatreds that sur­round him.

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