
Par­ent­less Par­ents: How the Loss of Our Moth­ers and Fathers Impacts the Way We Raise Our Children

  • From the Publisher
August 28, 2013
Par­ent­less Par­ents is the first book to show how the absence of grand­par­ents impacts every­thing about the way moth­ers and fathers raise their chil­dren – from every­day par­ent­ing deci­sions to the rela­tion­ships they have with their spous­es and in-laws. 

For the first time in U.S. his­to­ry, as the aver­age age of women giv­ing birth has increased sig­nif­i­cant­ly, mil­lions of chil­dren are at risk of hav­ing few­er years with their grand­par­ents than ever before. How has this sub­stan­tial shift affect­ed par­ents and kids? Jour­nal­ist, award-win­ning tele­vi­sion pro­duc­er, and par­ent­less par­ent Alli­son Gilbert has polled and stud­ied more than 1,300 par­ent­less par­ents from across the Unit­ed States and a dozen oth­er coun­tries to find out. 

Through her pio­neer­ing research, Gilbert not only shares her own sto­ry and the sig­nif­i­cant and poignant effect that this trend has had on her and hun­dreds of oth­er fam­i­lies, but also the myr­i­ad ways these moth­ers and fathers have learned to keep the mem­o­ry of their par­ents alive for their chil­dren, and to find the sup­port and under­stand­ing they need.

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