
Ques­tions I Am Asked About the Holo­caust: A Young Read­ers Edition

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

A young read­ers edi­tion of the best­selling book from Auschwitz sur­vivor Hédi Fried that answers last­ing ques­tions about the Holocaust.

Hédi Fried was nine­teen when the Nazis arrest­ed her fam­i­ly and trans­port­ed them to Auschwitz. While there, apart from endur­ing the dai­ly hor­rors at the con­cen­tra­tion camp, she and her sis­ter were forced into hard labor before being released at the end of the war.

After set­tling in Swe­den, Hédi devot­ed her life to edu­cat­ing young peo­ple about the Holo­caust. In her 90s, she decid­ed to take the most com­mon ques­tions, and her answers, and turn them into a book so that chil­dren all over the world could under­stand what had happened.

This is a deeply human book that urges us nev­er to for­get and nev­er to repeat.

Discussion Questions