
The Effects of Pick­led Her­ring: A Graph­ic Novel

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

As he and his sis­ter Alana pre­pare for their B’nai Mitz­vah, twelve-year-old Mic­ah Gadsky’s fam­i­ly grap­ples with a heart­break­ing truth about his grand­moth­er that unrav­els his under­stand­ing of faith and iden­ti­ty. The stress of the sea­son leads Micah’s intro­spec­tive nature and Alana’s out­go­ing dis­po­si­tion to col­lide, cre­at­ing divi­sion and dis­cord at a time when the fam­i­ly needs each oth­er most. Before Mic­ah can become a man, he must brave the storms of grief, con­front the com­plex­i­ties of grow­ing up, and ulti­mate­ly, learn to lean on love when life trips him up.

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