
Wait for Me: And Oth­er Poems About the Irri­ta­tions and Con­so­la­tions of a Long Marriage

  • From the Publisher
May 20, 2015

The leg­endary author of Alexan­der and the Ter­ri­ble, Hor­ri­ble, No Good, Very Bad Day turns her atten­tion to mar­riage in a col­lec­tion of poems that explores the peeves and plea­sures of a long mar­riage and what lies beyond.

Mar­ried for fifty-five years, she now casts a rue­ful, expe­ri­enced eye on the amus­ing annoy­ances and deep sat­is­fac­tions of a long mar­riage and what a cou­ple must inevitably con­front togeth­er. Enriched by Stephen Camp­bell’ s charm­ing full-col­or illus­tra­tions, this touch­ing, wise, and fun­ny book will sure­ly bring a smile of recog­ni­tion to any­one who has been in a long mar­riage. A won­der­ful gift for a par­ent, a grand­par­ent, or your own eter­nal some­one, Wait for Me is a cel­e­bra­tion of the last­ing pow­er of mar­ried love.

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