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Stay tuned for future events in this series.

Each week, Jew­ish Book Coun­cil sits down with an author of a recent­ly pub­lished book for a quick 30-minute chat to learn about their lat­est work.

Sup­port the authors and pur­chase the books via Book­shop here.

Past Con­ver­sa­tions:

April 22: Marisa Kan­ter — What I Like About You — Watch the video here

April 29: Anna Solomon — The Book of V. — Watch the video here.

May 6: Michael Zap­a­ta — The Lost Book of Adana More­au — Watch the video here.

May 13: Ilana Masad — All My Moth­er’s Lovers — Watch the video here.

May 20: Liel Lei­bovitz — Stan Lee: A Life in Comics - Watch the video here.

May 27: Gail Car­son Levine — A Ceil­ing Made of Eggshells — Watch the video here.

June 10: Jan Elias­berg — Han­nah’s War - Watch the video here.

June 17: Sue Eisen­feld — Wan­der­ing Dix­ie: Dis­patch­es from the Lost Jew­ish South — Watch the video here.

June 24: David Adj­mi — Lot Six: A Mem­oir - Watch the video here.

July 1: Scott Shay — In Good Faith: Ques­tion­ing Reli­gion and Athe­ism - Watch the video here.

July 8: Rachel Bean­land Flo­rence Adler Swims For­ev­er: A Nov­el - Watch the video here.