*View a record­ing of this pro­gram on Face­book and YouTube.*

Join Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and inter­na­tion­al­ly best-sell­ing author David Gross­man in a con­ver­sa­tion about love, trau­ma, and heal­ing. More Than I Love My Life is the sto­ry of three gen­er­a­tions of women on an unlike­ly jour­ney to a Croa­t­ian island and a secret that needs to be told, writ­ten by Book­er Prize win­ner, Sapir Prize win­ner, and two-time Nation­al Jew­ish Book Award win­ner David Gross­man. He will be joined by Jew­ish Book Council’s own Mar­i­lyn Has­sid, in a con­ver­sa­tion that will allow the audi­ence a peek inside his inspi­ra­tion for writ­ing this book and more. Reserve your free tick­et today!

This event is co-spon­sored by the Israel Office of Cul­tur­al Affairs.

To pur­chase the book, click here or here!

We are offer­ing you a spe­cial treat! Email us a screen­shot or image of the receipt from your pur­chase, and we will send you a signed book­plate from the author. Email the screen­shot to arielle@​jewishbooks.​org. Please note, we can only ship to address­es in the Unit­ed States.