Rab­bi Yitz Green­berg in Con­ver­sa­tion with 92NY’s Rab­bi David Ing­ber: The Tri­umph of Life

Thursday, November 7, 2024
Rabbis Yitz Greenberg and David Ingber

Join lead­ing Jew­ish thinker Rab­bi Yitz Green­berg for an inspir­ing dia­logue about his new book The Tri­umph of Life, a nar­ra­tive of the rela­tion­ship between God and human­i­ty as expressed in the Jew­ish jour­ney through moder­ni­ty, the Holo­caust, the cre­ation of Israel, and the birth of Judaism’s next era.

In The Tri­umph of Life, Green­berg describes Judaism’s utopi­an vision of a world cre­at­ed by a God who loves life, who invites humans to live on the side of life, and who enables the forces of life to tri­umph over death. The Bible pro­claims our mis­sion of tikkun olam, repair­ing the world, such that every human image of God is sus­tained in the full­ness of our dig­ni­ty. To achieve our mis­sion Judaism offers a real­is­tic, per­son­al, incre­men­tal part­ner­ship between God and human­i­ty across gen­er­a­tions in which human beings grow ever more respon­si­ble for world repair.