Jew­ish Book Coun­cil is excit­ed to announce that we are accept­ing pro­pos­als for author-led pan­els for the 2024 JBC Vir­tu­al Writ­ers’ Con­fer­ence, which will take place in Novem­ber 2024. These pan­els can focus on a spe­cif­ic top­ic or genre of Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture; or address the expe­ri­ence of new or estab­lished Jew­ish authors; or they can be spe­cif­ic to children’s book writers/​illustrators or writ­ers of adult fic­tion, non­fic­tion, or poet­ry. Pan­el sub­jects may also cov­er all of these cat­e­gories if appro­pri­ate. All select­ed orga­niz­ers, mod­er­a­tors, and pan­elists will receive free admis­sion to the 2024 Jew­ish Book Coun­cil Writ­ers’ Conference.

Please note: if you sub­mit­ted a pan­el last year and it was not cho­sen, please sub­mit again! We received so many won­der­ful pan­el sub­mis­sions last year and were not able to choose them all but would be hap­py to poten­tial­ly have them for this year’s conference.

Pan­el pro­pos­als are due by July 25th, and for the full pro­pos­al guide­lines, please click here.

If you have any ques­tions, please email Evie Saphire-Bern­stein at evie@​jewishbooks.​org.