In cel­e­bra­tion of Rachelle Berg­stein’s The Genius of Judy Blume: How Judy Blume Rewrote Child­hood for All of Us (Atria/​One Sig­nal Pub­lish­ers, July 2024), we want to know which Judy Blume books shaped you! Whether you read them dur­ing ado­les­cence or adult­hood, share the impact that Judy Blume’s books had on you in the form below. We’ll be shar­ing a selec­tion of the answers as an arti­cle in the com­ing weeks. 

JBC reserves the right to use and pub­lish the answers sub­mit­ted as a part of an arti­cle on our web­site, PB Dai­ly. They may also be used in social media pro­mo­tion of the piece.