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Nonfiction The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis: The Berlin Years Klaus Gensicke; Alexander Fraser Gunn, trans.
Nonfiction Jews at Home: The Domestication of Identity, Jewish Cultural Series, Volume Two Simon J. Bronner, ed.
Nonfiction Families, Rabbis, and Education: Traditional Jewish Society in Nineteenth Century Eastern Europe Shaul Stampfer
Nonfiction Arabs of the Jewish Faith: The Civilizing Mission in Colonial Algeria Joshua Schreiers
Nonfiction The Jews of North Africa: From Dido to De Gaulle Sarah Taieb-Carlen; Amos Carlen, trans.
Nonfiction Bratislava Pressburg Pozsony: Jewish Secular Endeavors, 1867 – 1938 A. Robert Neurath
Nonfiction The Frankfurt Judengasse: Jewish Life in an Early Modern German City Fritz Backhaus, Gisela Engel, Robert Liberles and Margarete Schlüter, eds.
Nonfiction Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine Michelle U. Campos