Book Clubs
JBC Book Clubs provides resources and support to book clubs reading books of Jewish interest. Find your next book club read or enhance your book club discussion with book reviews, discussion questions and discussion guides, virtual meet ups with members of other book clubs, thematic reading lists, and more.
Book Club Guides
JBC Discussion Guides are in-depth explorations of a title, complete with background information, discussion questions, recipes, related reads, and more. It’s like downloading a facilitator for your book club meeting.

Find a new favorite or re-discover an old one with our annual selection guide. This annual listing of 16 titles and discussion questions is intended to present a comprehensive view of the current Jewish literary landscape. All of the books are specially selected because of their potential to spark discussion about Jewish life, identity, and culture.
Discussion Questions
Explore all of the books on our site with discussion questions — some provided courtesy of the author or publisher, and others created by us especially for JBC readers.