
A Begin­ner’s Guide to the End: Prac­ti­cal Advice for Liv­ing Life and Fac­ing Death

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

A Beginner’s Guide to the End is the first ever prac­ti­cal, com­pas­sion­ate, and com­pre­hen­sive guide to dying — and liv­ing ful­ly until you do. BJ Miller and Shoshana Berg­er have a clear-eyed and big-heart­ed action plan for approach­ing the end of life, writ­ten to help read­ers feel more in con­trol of an expe­ri­ence that so often seems any­thing but. Their book offers every­thing from step-by-step instruc­tions for how to do your paper­work and nav­i­gate the health­care sys­tem to answers to ques­tions you might be afraid to ask your doc­tor. You’ll be walked through how to break the news to your employ­er, whether to share old secrets with your fam­i­ly, how to face friends who might not be as empa­thet­ic as you’d hoped, and to how to talk to your chil­dren about your will. There are also lessons for care­tak­ers and loved ones, like how shut down the deceased’s social media accounts, clean out the house, and write a great eulogy.

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