
Paint­ing Zaidy’s Dream: Mem­oir of a Search­ing Soul

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
How does a nice sub­ur­ban col­lege-bound girl become a chick­en soup tot­ing, Kab­bal­ah quot­ing, Chas­sidic moth­er and rab­bi’s wife? Miri­am Karp received her Jew­ish edu­ca­tion in the first Human­is­tic tem­ple. From child­hood on, a deep long­ing for some­thing more com­pelled her to search. She chron­i­cles her intense ques­tion­ing, spir­i­tu­al glim­mers, and rau­cous hip­pie adven­tures, fol­lowed by earnest bum­bling, soar­ing delights and bit­ter dis­ap­point­ments as she encoun­ters and grows into the world of Torah and obser­vance. She writes with wry humor, poignan­cy and poet­ic insight, shar­ing her tran­si­tion into a rit­u­al-cen­tered life, strug­gling to learn Hebrew, her grow­ing rela­tion­ship with Israel, watch­ing her son join the Israeli Defense Force, moth­er­ing her large fam­i­ly, and mile­stones such as her moth­er’s decline and unique Humanistic/​Chassidic funer­al. Read­ers will res­onate with her grap­pling with faith, fam­i­ly, doubt, loss and endurance. Singing Bub­by’s Melody por­trays the joys and chal­lenges of inte­grat­ing Jew­ish spir­i­tu­al­i­ty into dai­ly life, and opens an inti­mate win­dow into the inner world of a Chas­sidic woman, with hon­esty, lumi­nous warmth, and a grit­ty, down- to-earth voice. 

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