Close Jewish Book Council, founded in 1943, is the longest-running organization devoted exclusively to the support and celebration of Jewish literature. Get the latest reviews, news, and more in your inbox. Invalid email address
Nonfiction The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: Adventures in the World of Chinese Food Jennifer B. Lee
Cookbook Jewish Holidays Cookbook: Festive Meals for Celebrating the Year Jill Colella Bloomfield; Angela Coppola, photographer
Cookbook Fresh & Easy Kosher Cooking: Ordinary Ingredients, Extraordinary Meals Leah Schapira
Cookbook Levana Cooks Dairy-Free: Natural and Delicious Recipes for Your Favorite “Forbidden” Foods Levana Kirschenbaum; Menachem Adelman and Meir Pilskin, photos.
Cookbook At Oma’s Table: More than 100 Recipes and Remembrances from a Jewish Family’s Kitchen Doris Schechter
Essay From Scratch Earlier this week, Stanley Ginsberg wrote about the meaning of a Jewish bakery and the sweet and sour sides of life for Jewish Book Council and… Stanley Ginsberg December 30, 2011
Essay Sweet and Sour On Monday, Stanley Ginsberg talked about the meaning of a Jewish bakery. He will be blogging here for Jewish Book Council and MyJewishLearning all week.In… Stanley Ginsberg December 28, 2011
Essay What Is a “Jewish Bakery”? Stanley Ginsberg, a native of Brooklyn, grew up in a close-knit neighborhood where generations lived side by side. He learned to cook and bake from his… Stanley Ginsberg December 26, 2011
Cookbook Jewish Cooking Boot Camp: The Modern Girl’s Guide to Cooking Like Your Jewish Grandmother Roz Marks and Andrea Marks Carneiro; Nancy Ratzan, fwd.